
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pocket letters

Hello everyone! Have you heard of pocket letters? 
People have been making them like crazy lately. You can watch a video on them here.
The idea is to take a plastic sheet that you would store football or baseball cards in and put cute papers, embellishments, and anything else you can think of that will fit inside instead of trading cards. In one of the squares you put a little note telling the person receiving your pocket letter about yourself. You can add a picture of yourself if you'd like. 

I joined a swap for three different themed Pocket Letters.  Paris,  Vintage Ladies and Fairies. 

Here is the front of the Paris one...


The back...

The fairy Pocket Letter...

The back...

Vintage Ladies...

and the back.

I found lots of free images for these on Pinterest. 
 I had a lot of fun deciding what to put into each pocket.
You can do them with or with out a theme. It's up to you. 


  1. this looks great Tina. I have sent you the email back.
    If you did not resieved it have you facebook than friend me and I sent it ftrue there.

    gr karin


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