
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Lady Bug Cast

Two weeks ago my mom fell and broke her ankle in 3 places. She has been staying with us so I can help her get around. 

6 days go she had surgery...they put in a metal plate and 9 screws. I was told by the nurses this is one of the most painful breaks =(

Today she got the staples out of her ankle and a cast. She LOVES lady bugs so I told her to get a red cast and I would dress it up for her. 

She loves it!!! 

I colored the head of the lady bug with a sharpie so I could play with the shape a bit as I was going. Then I cut the vinyl eyes and spots out with my Cricut Explore. The vinyl would not stay stuck to the cast so I put Krazy Glue (super glue) on the back of every spot and both eyes. The antennas are made out of pipe cleaners that I shaped and twisted together at the bottom and glued on with the Krazy Glue. 

My mom loves it so much so kept telling me I need to start a business decorating casts. Lol. I have to say it did turn out pretty cute =)

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog! Have a blessed day.  


  1. What a fabulous idea! That's a one of a kind cast! Love it!

  2. The lady bug cast was excellent.It seems that she broke her ankle very bad.It must have been a painful break.Has her ankle tottaly healed?Hope she feels better and doesnt have any pain.

    1. Thank you alex21. It was a very bad brake =( She is still on the mend and still has pain and swelling. The Doctor told here that could last up to 6 months. She is now able to walk with a cane now. She has a long road ahead of her still but is getting better. Thank you for asking =)

    2. How is her leg?Is she feeling better as time passes?I was in a cast too.I broke my wrist and thumb playing soccer.I had my third cast cut off a few weeks ago.Best wishes and take care.

    3. Hello Alex21. I am so sorry to hear of your injury. Hopefully your wrist/thumb have healed well so you do not have further problems. My mom is doing pretty good. Thank you for asking. It's been a long road but she is now walking without a cane. She had to have physical therapy to help with walking properly again. That worked wonders for her =)


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